True (... Sort of) (Paperback)

True (... Sort of)

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9780061968754
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 375 S.
Fomat (h/b/t): 2.1 x 18.8 x 12.6 cm
Bindung: Paperback


Can friendship save you?

The day Ferris Boyd moves to town, Delly Pattison is sure a special surpresent (a present that is a surprise) is on its way. Instead, Delly ends up in even more trouble than usual.

The Boyds' arrival in River Bluffs means big changes for Brud Kinney, too. He can't believe who he's hanging around with. Ferris Boyd isn't like anyone Delly or Brud have ever known. Ferris is a mystery and a wonder.

Through friendship, though, Delly, Brud, and Ferris discover truths that will change their lives. And bring them the best surpresent of all.

Includes an all-new afterword featuring a short story, photographs by the author, and more


Katherine Hannigan studied mathematics, painting, and studio art and has worked as the education coordinator for a Head Start program and, most recently, as an assistant professor of art and design. She is the author of True (. . . Sort Of), Emmaline and the Bunny, and the national bestseller Ida B . . . and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World. She lives in Iowa with a bunch of cats and the occasional bunny or bird visitor. Her backyard hosts an additional array of creatures, including deer, raccoons, possums, and sometimes a skunk. But no alligators . . . yet!