Die Evolution der Liebe (kartoniertes Buch)

Die Evolution der Liebe

Was Darwin bereits ahnte und die Darwinisten nicht wahrhaben wollen

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783525014523
Sprache: Deutsch
Seiten: 104 S.
Fomat (h/b/t): 0.8 x 20.5 x 12.3 cm
Bindung: kartoniertes Buch


For several centuries now natural scientists have been occpupied with dissecting diverse forms of life into small components. Since Darwin the formation of diversity is subject to one basic principle: Competition.Theories on the meaning of natural selection and the survival of the fittest, on innate behaviour and instincts, on egoistic genes, on sexuality and choice of partner, battle of sexes miss one essential half. Scientists have forgotten to search for what keeps the living world, the single person, a couple, a group and last but not least the human community together: Love.


Gerald Hüther zählt zu den bekanntesten Hirnforschern im deutschsprachigen Raum, ist Autor zahlreicher (populär-)wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Vorstand der Akademie für Potentialentfaltung.


If science succeeds to replace its analytic split approach with a comprehensive view, the Darwinian principle of competition could be turned into a biology of love.>